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Since 2017, Etablissements Huguet have grown with the creation of a new production and sales site in Bourbon Lancy in Saône et Loire.

Under a 1500m² greenhouse, you will find all the seasonal flowers (pansies, primroses, flowerbed plants, different flowers, geranium, hanging baskets…), vegetable young plant, Christmas trees, automnal plants (chrysanthemum, heathers, …).

Our shop and our 1300m² pottery area will offer you a large pannel of gifs flowers, tools and gardening section, seeds, flower and garden bulbs, interior decoration and Christmas decoration, fences, compost, straw-mulching (mineral and green), ornamental lake (fountain, pump, aquatic plants …), artifcial plants…

In addition to our sale and installation of swimming pool, we are also offering for sale all the swimming pool mainteance products (chlorine, bromine, salt) and accessories like brooms, nets, cleaning robots…

An important area is also dedicated to your well-being. Indeed, we are also selling and setting up Jacuzzis.

On an outside 2500m² area, we are also offering a large pannel of nursery plants :
- Fruit trees
- Decoration trees
- Bushes
- Rose bushes
- Hegde plants
- Perennial plants
- Conifers
- Enbankment and grand-cover plants
- Ericaceous compost plants

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